Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

1. Football (soccer) was invented here

chinese facts

2.200 years ago, the game that later turned into football (soccer) was invented in China.

The world’s first soccer ball was a leather ball filled with feathers and hair, and the game was called ‘Tsu’ Chu,’ which literally means ‘kicking ball.’

2. China is the world’s most populous country

With more than 1.4 billion people, China holds the world record for having the largest population on Earth. India is not far behind though with 1.3 billion people, and they’re estimated to take over the 1 place in a few years.

But to this date, China can pride themselves on having the largest population in the world!

3. The Sunrise in parts of China can be as late as 10 AM

Despite being a wide and large country, China only has one time zone – Standard Chinese time. This means that in the West of China, the sunrise can be as late as 10 AM!

This means that when it’s 6 o’clock in the nation’s capital, it’s 6 o’clock almost 3,000 miles further west, in Kashgar.

4. The Elderly Rights Law

If you have parents that are over 60 years old, it’s illegal to not visit them regularly. This is definitely one of the most interesting China facts, since, in many other countries, the elders are being forgotten or put into rest-homes.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
