Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

 Less than five per cent of the planet’s oceans have been explored.

Giant crashing waves

According to the Ocean Service, man has explored less than five per cent of Earth’s oceans. As researchers strive to discover more, we’re continually getting to know our oceans better.

The world’s longest mountain chain is underwater.

Mid-ocean ridge - Wikipedia

Earth’s longest chain of mountains, the Mid-Ocean Ridge, is almost entirely beneath the ocean, stretching across a distance of 65,000 kilometres. It’s said that this mountain chain is less explored than the surface of Venus or Mars.

There are more historic artefacts under the sea than in all of the world’s museums.

Underwater shipwreck

Around 1,000 shipwrecks lie off the Florida Keys alone, some of which are within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Other underwater museums have been created in recent years, including the Mediterranean’s submerged bronze statue, Christ of the Abyss.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
