Hello everybody i have been on a fact finding mission to bring you this about the Legend


1.The moment that started it all came in 1941 when Berry first performed “Confessin’ the Blues” in front of his entire high school. The song choice (considered crude by 1940’s standards) offended the adults in the room and, of course, elated the students.

And it was this performance, and watching his friend play the guitar, that sparked something within Berry. ”It was then that my determination to play guitar and accompany myself while singing became an amendment to my religion,” he told the New York Times.

2.Berry wore many different hats. Before he made it big on the music scene, he worked at his father’s construction company, at an auto plant and as a freelance photographer. He also followed in his sister’s footsteps and graduated with a degree in hairdressing and cosmetology.

At least we now have an explanation for that signature perm.

3. Although Berry grew up during an era rife with discrimination and racial segregation, he intentionally blended music from both sides of the racial divide. “Curiosity provoked me to lay a lot of our country stuff on our predominantly black audience,” he wrote in his self-titled autobiography. “After they laughed at me a few times, they began requesting the hillbilly stuff and enjoyed dancing to it.”

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
