Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Ok while I have been doing this blog I have found some people who love it and i want to thank them with this one sent in by a close friend of mine about... Did you know that Lemons are a hybrid of the citron fruit and a sour orange?

Lemons | Jesmond Fruit Barn | Shop In Store or Online Now

Manchineel tree aka the paint stripping tree. Ok you are in the Caribbean and you have left your truck under a tree in the shade then boom rain all night long so you come back and find the paint on your truck is gone.

The Manchineel Tree – The Cub Reporter

Do you have a Mortgage well if you do it originally meant Death Pledge?

How will the mortgage sector manage all the new demand ...

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking,
