Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about
Veterinarian Facts
With 62% of American households owning a pet, it is no secret that veterinarians are in high demand. Veterinary care accounts for 14.37 billion of the total amount of money spent on pet care in 2013, so investing in an experienced vet is a must for the overall health and safety of your furry friend. Veterinarians are pretty interesting characters, and here are some fun facts about these animal whisperers.
- The term veterinarian comes from the Latin world veterinae which means 'working animals'.
- Dogs are the most popular animal to show up on their veterinary exam table, as 46.3 million households in the United States own a dog!
- Almost 80% of practicing veterinarians are females.
- All vets must have a specialty. The most common form would be a general practice with household pets and the occasional surgery needing specialty veterinarian equipment. But, others may go on to complete intensive studies oncology, radiology, animal dentistry, dermatology, cardiology, preventative animal medicine, internal medicine, or exotic small animal medicine and surgery.
- Not all vets practice medicine, some work in basic research and development of new treatments. Others, however, apply their knowledge of animals and apply that to human problems. Veterinarian science reveals that about 61% of all the disease-causing agents in humans originate in animals. Vets were even at the forefront of ending malaria in the United States!
- Veterinarians are can profit incredibly by using refurbished medical equipment. Because they do not treat humans, they do not have to worry about the constant development of new and more expensive veterinary equipment that may not necessarily be better. They can take advantage and buy used medical equipment that will help them lower the costs of your animal's visit.
- Vets must take an oath when they graduate medical school promising they will use their knowledge for the benefit and protection of animal health and welfare. Additionally, they solemnly swear to relieve animal suffering, advance medical knowledge, promote public health, and practice their profession with dignity, while abiding by veterinary medical ethics.
- In certain situations, vets can have very dangerous jobs! No matter how well behaved an animal can be, there is no way of telling what can happen on that veterinary exam table. Statistically speaking, more than half of all vets will get seriously injured in their line of work!
This was written for the Caribbean Princess and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
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