Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

The Times Newspaper

First Versions: The Times

– The Times newspaper did not carry news stories on the front page until 1966

– The Times is the UK’s oldest current daily national newspaper, founded as the Daily & Universal Register in 1785 before changing its name to The Times in 1788

– The Times crossword first appeared on 1st February 1930

– The Times newspaper was not printed for nearly a year between 1978 and 1979 due to an industrial dispute

– The first photograph in the Times newspaper appeared in 1914

The Sunday Times

The Sunday Times - Wikipedia

– The Sunday Times newspaper (despite its name) had no relationship with The Times newspaper until a change of ownership in 1966 led to them becoming sister papers

– The Sunday Times was the first UK national Sunday newspaper to supply a colour magazine supplement in 1962
