Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about


David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet' Review: Ruin and Regrowth - The  New York Times

1. Sir David Attenborough was born on 8 May, 1926, in Isleworth, West London

The same year as Queen Elizabeth II!

2. He was raised on the campus of University College, Leicester

Now the University of Leicester, where his dad was principal.

3. Sir David doesn’t count himself as an animal ‘lover’

But instead says he has always been fascinated by them.

4. He’s thrifty! 

At 11 years old he struck a deal selling newts to University College, Leicester for 3d (3 pence) each. The newts only came from a pond 5m away from the university’s zoology department!

5. He is the only person to have won BAFTAs for programmes in black and white, colour, HD, and 3D.

6. He doesn’t own a car as he never passed his driving test

He’s also not keen on sending emails, and prefers receiving letters by fax or post.

7. During World War II his parents adopted two Jewish refugee girls from Europe. 

8. There’s only one animal Sir David doesn’t like…


9. Sir David was rejected from the first job he ever applied for at the BBC

The position of radio talk producer.

10. In 1947 he spent two years serving in the Royal Navy

Based in North Wales and the Firth of Forth.
