Hello ladies and gent this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Turkeys are fascinating beings who deserve our protection with cranberry sauce

Fun Wild Turkey Facts and Trivia

Benjamin Franklin called the turkey a “much more respectable bird”, “a bird of courage”, and “a true original native of America.”

At World Animal Protection, we’re taking time to celebrate turkeys and what makes them unique as animals. Did you know these facts about turkeys?   

Only male turkeys gobble. 

Turkeys make a variety of different sounds such as “purrs,” “yelps,” and “kee-kees,” but the “gobble” call is only done by males during mating season. As a result, male turkeys are called “gobblers” while females are called “hens.”  

Wild turkeys can fly. 

It’s a common myth that turkeys can’t fly (most likely because they feed on the ground) but wild turkeys have been known to fly up to 55 mph in short bursts. For domesticated turkeys, this is unfortunately not the case. They’re bred to be heavier in weight, almost twice as much as a wild turkey, so they won’t be flying anytime soon.   

Wild turkeys sleep in trees. 

Turkeys spend most of their time on the ground but when it’s time to sleep, they fly up into trees. This is because turkeys can’t see well at night and to protect themselves from predators, they roost at dusk and fly down at dawn.   

They can change colours.  

Well, their heads do at least! You can tell a turkey’s emotions by the colour of their heads. Colors can change from red to blue to white, depending on how excited or calm they are. The more intense the colors are, the more intense their emotions.   

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
