Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Interesting Facts About Giant Pandas

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When we think of giant pandas, we think of lovely black and white bears. They are cute and have many fans all over the world. But do you really know pandas? The following are 5 fascinating facts to help you know more about them.

1. A giant panda is much bigger than your teddy bear.

Giant panda looks cuddly and cute when you search photos on the internet. But it's much bigger than you think.

An adult panda weight more than 45 kilos (100 pounds), and can be about 1.5 meters (5 feet) long!

2. Giant pandas are good at climbing trees and can also swim.

Giant pandas can't stand and do kung fu moves like Po in Kungfu Panda. But they are good tree climbers. They can climb trees from 7 months old.

Giant pandas are bears, and like other bears, they can swim.

3. Pandas go from pink to white and black (or brown).

Pandas are born looking like baby badgers — fur-less, pink, and blind. The iconic black and white colour comes later, after about three weeks.

Not all giant pandas are black and white! A few are brown and white, but these are very rare.

4. Pandas have so many fans because they look cute.

"The looks of a teddy bear" are what makes pandas so popular. Pandas appeal to our "cuteness receptors" because they have large, front-facing eyes, and are extremely furry, so we therefore think of them as cuddly and cute.

This was the subject of a recent BBC1 study by scientist Gordon Buchanan, and this is why almost all of us like pandas.

5. Pandas are "lazy" — eating and sleeping make their day.

As about all a panda does all day is eat and sleep, you are best to get up early for a visit to a panda park, so you see them when they are active.

One reason for pandas being rare is that breeding is not high on their list of priorities. And with only a one-day window a year for a female to conceive naturally, it is hardly surprising that pandas are an endangered species.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
