Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about
Barreleye Fish Facts
1. Barreleye Fish are ambush predators. They stay motionless in water at great depths and look upward. Their specially designed eyes give them a binocular vision.
2. First, their specially designed eyes allow them to clearly distinguish between ambient light and bioluminescent light. This is possible because of the high number of rod cells that they have in their eyes.
3. Second, when the prey is located high up, the fish uses its binocular vision to narrow in on the prey using precise maneuvers with aid of its fins. It moves up vertically to reach its prey.
4. It is believed that the Barreleye Fish is actually steals food from siphonopores. Scientists believe that small creatures that are trapped in the stingy tentacles of the siphonopores are spotted by Barreleye Fish and then using its precise maneuvers, the fish steals the food from the siphonopores.
5. What about the sting that the tentacles of the siphonopores can gives? Scientists say that the fluid-filled transparent head protects the eyes of the Barreleye Fish from those stings and the fins allow the fish to maneuver between the tentacles of the siphonopores.
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