Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Interesting Facts About Guitar 

#1 – The First Guitar was Created in Ancient Egypt

Ancient guitars: how guitars looked like 4000 years ago?

Well… in certain faculties it was, despite the fact that the guitar-like instrument made 3,500 years back (that's a vintage guitar!) is a long way from the guitars we play today.

It had a place with an artist of the time known as Har-Mose and was produced using cleaned cedar with a rawhide soundboard, included three strings, and even had a plectrum gadget appended to the instrument by means of horse hair cord. This fascinating guitar treasure is in plain view in the Archeological Museum in Cairo.

#2 – The World's Biggest Functioning Guitar is 13 Meters Long…

World's Largest Guitar is 13 Meters Long - Blog

The truth is out – the world's biggest guitar, affirmed by the Guinness Book of World Records, is more than 13 meters in length (about 43ft). That is about the length of tour bus! Significantly more impressive, the guitar is more than just a model – it is actually a 100% playable instrument, with each string conveying the right pitch.

The guitar, which was made by the Academy of Science and Technology in Texas, gauged an astounding 2,255lbs (simply over 1,000kgs), took just about a year to assemble, included flying machine link for strings, and was built in the notorious shape of a Gibson Flying V.

#3 The Shortest Guitar is Just 10 Microns!

Smallest guitar, about the size of a human blood cell, illustrates new  technology for nano-sized electromechanical devices | Cornell Chronicle

I mean, I guess you could play it? That's if you have especially tiny and nimble fingers, or are a miniature robot? Chances are, you won't be likely to play this guitar in your lifetime. The instrument comes in at 1/100,000 of a meter long (about the size of a solitary human cell).

Made by analysts at Cornell University in New York, the twofold cutaway style electric guitar even had strings equipped for being strummed (by authority hardware, clearly), in spite of the fact that the frequencies are so high due to the size, they are completely unintelligible to the human ear.

#4 – The Most Expensive Guitar Ever Sold, Cashed Out For A Whopping $2.8million!

Asia Fender Stratocaster, World's Most Expensive Guitar -

The unique Fender made, one-of-a-kind 'Reach Out To Asia' Stratocaster was sold during an auction to raise funds for casualties and victims of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

While the white Strat itself is supposed to have cost Fender around $20,000 to create, the last cost achieved millions because of the one of a kind 'decorations'. These 'decorations' came in the form of signatures spade over the face of the Strat, signatures of guitar icons such as Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Eric Clapton, Brian May, Jimmy Page, David Gilmour, Jeff Beck, Pete Townsend, Paul McCartney, Sting and Bryan Adams (who imagined the Reach Out to Asia venture), among different legends!

#5 – Gibson Made the Most Luxurious Guitar of All Time

Eden of Coronet' - Luxury RetailLuxury Retail

While the Fender Strat we wrote about above was profitable because of the gathering of notorious signatures, in 2015, Gibson divulged a guitar worth almost as much because of the lavish materials used to adorn it.

Working related to adornments architect Aaron Shum, and artist and planner Mark Lui, Gibson's creation – named the 'Eden of Coronet' – is a white SG including in excess of 400 precious stones and consisting of around 1.6kg of 18k gold. Put us down for five of them, lol jks that's a new house right there!

and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
