Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about
- According to old Irish folklore, if you share a hot cross bun with someone it will cement your friendship for an entire year.
- Queen Elizabeth I decided hot cross buns were so special, people could only have them on Good Friday, Christmas or at burials.
- Some believe the buns were really banned because the Church feared their reported magical powers.
- Another theory is they were banned by the Protestants because they feared Catholics were baking hot cross buns to turn into communion wafers.
- To get around the law, people began baking the buns at home and it became too difficult to enforce.
- The world’s oldest hot cross bun is believed to be more than 200 years old. A couple from Essex in England have a bun accompanied by a letter that says it was made in 1807. And it isn’t mouldy!
- According to the rhyme, hot cross buns were sold for one a penny or two a penny, which makes you wonder why you would buy one if you could get two for the same price.
And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
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