Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about
When it comes to St Vincent and the Grenadines, there is more than meets the eye to these magical Caribbean islands...
1. There are over 32 stunning islands and cays that make up St Vincent & The Grenadines. Of these 9 are inhabited.
2. The capital of St Vincent & The Grenadines is Kingstown which is often referred to as “The City of Arches” due to there being 400 arches in the capital.
3. There is an active volcano on St Vincent which last erupted in 1979, till now
4. St Vincent & The Grenadines is home to the oldest Botanical Gardens in the Western Hemisphere and was founded in 1765.
5. The national bird is The Amazona Guildingii.
and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
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