Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Some Facts About Veterinarians and Their Vet Services

vet services

  • The word veterinarian comes from the Latin word veterinae meaning, working animals. About 80% of vets are women. Your vet had to choose a specialty, they may have specialized in household pets, dentistry, preventive medicine, husbandry, exotic pets, livestock or several other specialty fields.
  • 61% of all human diseases started in animals. Some vets choose to take the research path and focus on treatment research instead of working with patients. A veterinarian doctor takes an oath much as a human doctor does.
  • There are only a small number of accredited veterinary schools. It is a very competitive process to be accepted to vet school.
  • About 25% of all vet hospital visits for dogs stem from a problem with their coat or their skin. The remaining percentage of visits to the veterinary clinic is because of cuts, abrasions, immunizations, and illness.
  • 16% of veterinary services are dedicated to non-companion animals including wildlife and farm animals. 6% of all veterinary services are dedicated to horses.
  • The work environment for veterinarians is a risky one. No matter how docile a pet is at home there is always a good chance that they will bite when they are scared or injured. One of the hazards of being a service provider is getting a bit.
and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
