Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Fun Facts about Wine

100 Essential Wine Facts - Vincarta

Wine has been around for centuries. It’s a complex drink that can take years to perfect. There is history and science inside every bottle.

1) Red Wines are well attributed to positive health benefits. It lowers your chances of having a stroke compared to nondrinkers. For men and women who drink moderately, it lessens their chance of developing Type 2 diabetes by 30%

2) Believe it or not, there are some people that have a fear of wine. It’s called “oenophobia”.

3) How do you hold a wine glass? There is a right and wrong way. Wine glasses should be held by the stem, so that way it the hand does not raise the temperature of the wine. The stem is for a reason!

4) When at a wine tasting event, it is not frowned upon for spitting wine out. Take a sip of wine and hold it in your mouth for a couple seconds, then either swallow it or spit out. This is an acceptable way to know if it’s a good wine. A good wine will have a lengthy aftertaste.

5) Why do you store wine laying down? If the bottle is standing up, the cork could dry out and dwindle, possibly dropping into the wine.

6) Bottles that have animals on the label are known as “Critter Wine”.

7) Women are more inclined to the effects of wine than men. This is partly because they have less enzymes in the stomach lining that is needed to break down alcohol simply.

8) It’s guilt-free! No fat and no cholesterol! But that does not mean to drink a bottle a day either!

9) The oldest known wine cellar is on the Titanic. When divers went down to the wreckage, surprisingly most of the bottles were still in tact.

10) Ben Franklin was quoted, “Wine makes daily life easy, less hurried, with fewer tension and more tolerance”.

and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
