Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Fascinating facts about Doctor Who

Doctors assemble: All Thirteen Doctor Whos unite for new project - Radio  Times

1. The original Daleks: The original Daleks were controlled from the inside by short operators who had to manipulate their eyestalks, domes and arms, as well as flashing the lights on their heads in sync with the actor's voices. John Scott Martin, one of the original Dalek operators, once said: "If you were related to an octopus then it helped!"

2. Title sequences: There have been around 12 different title sequences. The theme music was originally composed by Ron Grainer and created by Delia Derbyshire at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. Since then there have been a vast variety of remixes of the theme music. Matt Smith (the 11th Doctor) even got up on stage at the 2010 Glastonbury Festival to perform a version of the music with the band Orbital.

3. Home: The Doctor has visited many different planets, but his home planet is called Gallifrey.

4. Medical doctor: The Doctor actually is a doctor! In a sickbay in the 1967 story The Moonbase, the Doctor was asked, "Listen, are you really a medical doctor?" He replied, "Yes, I think I was once, Polly. I think I took a degree once in Glasgow. 1888 I think. Lister."

5. Bow ties: "Bow ties are cool" - that's what Matt Smith said in his first appearance as the Doctor. Bow tie sales shot up by 94% within a month at one high street store!

6. Gadgets: The Doctor has an array of gadgets, including the sonic screwdriver - which has many uses including the ability to unlock almost anything - and the psychic paper, which can bamboozle people into seeing whatever the user wants them to see printed on it.

7. Red Nose Day: In 1999, a four-episode special of Doctor Who called The Curse of Fatal Death was made for Red Nose Day. It featured big name stars such as Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean), Richard E. Grant, Jim Broadbent, Hugh Grant, and Joanna Lumley as The Doctor.

8. Regeneration: The regeneration effect, used for when one Doctor changes into the next one, was created at the end of the first series by accident! A faulty mixing desk allowed the image of William Hartnell (the first Doctor) to be overexposed almost to white so that Patrick Troughton (the second Doctor) could be put in his place before the effect faded again.

9. Multiple Doctors: The 50th anniversary episode will not be the first time more than one Doctor will have appeared in the same episode. For the show's 20th anniversary, a feature-length special called The Five Doctors was created, featuring the first five Doctors.

10. Doctor's real name: The Doctor's real name remains a complete mystery to all but a very small number of individuals including The Master, River Song and Clara Oswald.

and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
