Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Facts About German Shepherd Dogs

Some dog breeds have a firm and lasting hold on the public’s heart and consistently place in the top 5 of the ranking of most popular dogs. The strong and noble German Shepherd Dog (GSD) is one of these lasting favorites. In fact, for the past ten years the German Shepherd has been the number two most popular dog in the United States, and it’s been in the top 10 for decades. 

And for good reason. Dating back to 1899, the breed (known as Deutsche Schaferhunde in German) was established in Germany by Captain Max von Stephanitz and other breeders. Using only the very best dogs, they developed a breed known for confidence, intelligence, loyalty, and courage. Plus, there’s no mistaking the GSD’s characteristic appearance with the pointed ears and muscular physique. Every German Shepherd owner knows the special bond shared with this dog. What else can you expect from such an incredible breed. They’ll also tell you the following 5 things are absolutely true:

1. German Shepherds will explore everything with their noses

You’ll find evidence of their very thorough sniffing everywhere – walls, doors, windows, and more. All dogs have a better sense of smell than humans – 10,000 to 100,000 times better in fact thanks to having millions more scent receptors. But compared to other breeds, the GSD ranks near the top in scenting ability. It’s no wonder they make such great police and detection dogs. Among many other jobs, GSDs are known for their bomb and drug sniffing work, tracking, and Search and Rescue.

2. GSDs are incredibly smart

If you’re a German Shepherd owner, you have a strong suspicion your dog might actually be smarter than you are. After all, what can’t your dog do? These dogs are known for their intelligence and many can learn a new behavior in only a few repetitions. In addition, they have a legendary desire to cooperate and work with us, a trait many see as a wish to please their humans. No wonder this breed excels at so many activities and is a top Obedience competitor. Because German Shepherds are one of the brightest breeds, be sure to be consistent, use positive reinforcement-based methods, provide plenty of mentally stimulating toys, and play brain-challenging games.

3. German Shepherd Dogs are protective of their loved ones

They are known for being fearless and self-confident. GSDs will assertively stand their ground and are suited to be either watchdog or guardian, whichever the situation demands. They can be aloof with strangers yet are not hostile. This natural protective instinct is reassuring to the German Shepherd owner. But it also comes with a certain responsibility. You should be committed to spending time socializing and training your dog to ensure your companion feels comfortable around strangers and other dogs. If you do, you will benefit from all this dog has to offer.

4. GSDs provide constant companionship

In truth, German Shepherd owners are never lonely because their loyal canines are always by their side. Although GSDs are sometimes slow to warm to strangers, they are gentle and loving with their families. Their affectionate and dedicated personalities are a bonus of the breed, and they can be particularly fond of children. This means your GSD wants to spend time with you rather than being left alone all day, every day. Allowing your German Shepherd to be with you as much as possible will bring out the best in your dog.

5. German Shepherds are known as a mouthy breed

They tend to use their mouths as a hand thanks to that herding heritage. It’s even right there in their name, ShepHERD. This mouthing behavior is natural, so expect your GSD to mouth you and chew anything that will fit inside your pet’s mouth. However, that doesn’t mean you should let it go. What might be cute in your small puppy will get harder and stronger as your dog grows up. Training your dog not to chew your hand or the furniture is essential with this breed. Teach your German Shepherd to channel those instincts safely and appropriately.

and as always have a chilled day from the Viking 
