Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about
Ospreys are amazing birds of prey whose return each spring is eagerly awaited.
If you’ve ever wondered what these iconic birds look like, where they spend the winter, or how long they have been nesting at Loch of the Lowes Wildlife Reserve this fact file should help answer your questions.
Osprey identification
Did you know? Female ospreys are around 20% bigger than males.
A perfect predator
Did you know? They have a special transparent eyelid like a contact lens that protects their eyes underwater.
Diet and fishing
Did you know? While its normal flight tops out at around 50km an hour, the osprey is capable of speeds of up to 125km/h in steep dives to capture unsuspecting fish.
Did you know? There is evidence that ospreys used to have ancestral nests which were used for hundreds of years.
Breeding and courtship
Did you know? Male ospreys will sometimes bring so many sticks to the nest that their mate ends up buried!
and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
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