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Fun facts about Portugal you probably never knew


Ready for some fun facts about Portugal that might surprise you? Small in size but large in stature, Portugal has given rise to a medley of firsts and greats. 

The nation that brought us barbecued chicken, Port Wine and Cristiano Ronaldo certainly has a weird way with words. From “swallowing frogs” so you bite your tongue to “breaking the coconut laughing” because you’re laughing so hard you lose control, the Portuguese have a naturally descriptive and colourful way of telling a story. 

And, it is this love of storytelling that has fuelled the wanderlust of the Portuguese. The country may be small compared to its European neighbours, but what it lacks in size it more than makes up for in sheer tenacity, hard work and a sense of adventure.  

It’s little wonder then, that this Iberian nation is home to an impressive array of noteworthy historic achievements and some modern-day surprises. So, here are just a few of our favourite fun facts about Portugal you would never have guessed: 

Portugal is the oldest country in Europe 

And the award for oldest nation-state in Europe goes to… Portugal. In 1139, Portugal appointed King Afonso Henriques as its king. Lisbon is said to be four centuries older than Rome. Due to its excellent trading location, the Phoenicians settled in Lisbon around 1200 BC. 

What do Portugal and Japan have in common? 

The Portuguese were the first Europeans to reach Japan in the 16th century. They left their linguistic mark on this Asian nation. Words such as pan (from the Portuguese pão meaning bread) and sabato (from the Portuguese sabado meaning Saturday) are all good examples. 

The world’s oldest bookstore is in Lisbon

Book lovers will delight in a visit to Bertrand Bookstore in Lisbon’s Chiado district. The book store was established in 1732. Its exterior façade is a spectacular display of mosaic tiles, worth admiring in their own right.  

The shortest – and longest – reigning monarchs

Portugal holds the record for the shortest and longest-reigning monarchs. Henrique of Portugal was the king of Portugal for more than 73 years.  Luis Filipe, on the other hand, was king for only 20 minutes.   
